SUMMER VACATION!! These words convey not so welcomed season yet the most awaited time of the year respectively. Though my summer vacation days are long gone *curse the corporate life*; I still remember ways of chilling in the HOT season with either my favourite ice-cream or mom made mix fruit custard with jelly topping it *Mmmmm.. yummy*. While mom’s recipes were all mine to feast on, the ones available outside were on luck. It used to be so irritating to go out in the scorching heat only to find out that your favourite ice-cream went out of stock, mostly leaving other not so liked or vanilla flavour for you. Being a foodie and inspired by mom’s innovation habit I bring to you ‘Crunchy Vanilla’ . A short and sweet recipe, that won’t make your trip to the store a waste of time when you don’t find your favourite flavour of ice-cream. Recipe: Grab a vanilla cup. Take your favourite cookies. E.g.: Parle Milano or Good-Day Chunkies Scoop the vanilla ice-cream into a...