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Ganpati Bappa Morya!!

Guess what it is...

Just a single step starts a new beginning... Oh!! It’s time for experiencing... Unexpected twist and turn on the way... Roads and Rivers reaching new highway... Night of starry sky and Day full of Smiles... Each moment experienced, reaches skies... Years after, you still remember it. Guess what it is...

बघशील ना वाट माझी ??

अस तर नाही ना , कि तुला माझे शब्द आवडायला लागले आहेत ... त्यांच्या मधे हरवून जाण्याची सवय झाली आहे ... तुझ्या ह्र्य्दायाचा ठोका चुकत तर नाही आहे ना ?? तुला मी हळू हळू आवडत तर नाही आहे ना ??

Dinner Date...

Across the road I saw you... Looking beautiful with open hair... In that moment you took my heart with you... I just kept looking at you... It was an admirable stare... I hugged you with all my Love... Finally I was at peace... I thanked almighty up above... After seeing you, I was at ease... As we moved ahead for our dinner... With smiles on our face... Happy we were... As the eve was getting better... That!! Moment was Ace...


.......…… much to say .......…… .......…… how shall I convey .......…… .......…… you are my love .......…… .......…… my angel like dove .......…… .......…… better friend .......…… .......…… with no end .......…… .......…… rhyme is simple .......…… .......…… feelings within them are ample .......…… .......…… my wish as a child .......…… .......…… you came in my life and smiled .......……

My Pain...

I... Me... Myself... I wish to say it loud sometimes... I'm tied with responsibilities, I'm tied with my aim... I wish to break free from it all... I've burden of my past, I'm drenched in my sorrows... I wanna relief from my sufferings... I get caught in the whirlpool again and again... I just want to runaway... I hate being helpless, I feel pathetic about myself asking for help, crying for a peace moment...

Free Soul...

Soul with a spark within... They always have a new beginning... So cheerful and charming... They're vibrant and happening... Spreads happyness and smiles... Which lasts for miles after miles... But don't think they are positive all the time... They have sorrows and have their own downtime...

Happy Birthday?

Let my rhyme wish you.. ☻ Have a wonderful and prosperous life ahead ! ! When I saw you at first.. You seemed to be strict... At the entrance all behaved, as it was your district... The moment we entered the lab, we were back to normal... We would untie our neck-tie and become informal... For a week or so this routine continued...  Until I started my questions which you couldn't elude... In no time our rapport started building... Why a constructed building is still called a building??

Good Morning...

Chalo chalo... My Pearl open your eye... Get ready fast fast so that you can fly... See the sun rays are reaching you through the curtains... Its your day... Its your turn... Get out of your bed and make a move... Time ahead is inviting you to make you groove... It's a lovely day, has lots of surprises for you... Good Morning !!! Have a nice day my Sweetu... :)


Life is a continuous flow... You get numerous opportunities to grow... There are times when we are still and dry... But those are the moments which make us fly... We walk alone most of the time... And so spending time with Friends is a rhyme... We look back into past now and then... Just to wonder how all this happened and when...

Its for you...

What shall I start with... Wonder whether this is a Myth... Still not getting anything to say... Don't know how shall I repay... Thinking Thinking, what to write... Oh My !!! I'm so quite... But a smile is on my face... Reminds me of our warm embrace...

Words were never enough...

Words were never enough... This journey was meant to be tough... Both of us knew it... Yet we continued it... Coz it was never about reaching the destination... It was never about satisfaction... It is about the bond we share together... Its a dream, we went through together...


There is so much to say... So many things going on within... Words are less.. And I'm lost within... I think why there is life... Why I feel my own breath so different... I try to find out why I exist... And all that I found is; I've lost my judgement...

Words of a Friend...

Emotions without words... Its like a forest without birds... Need to be strong... Don't know whats going on... Don't know what to say... Everything seems so grey... Hearing you say self-destruction... Sends me chills and here I am shaken... Then words came out of fear... Please don't take them on your heart as spear...

Starry Sky...

Co-authored by   Snuffles Jay Snuffles Jay Bio: She is 23, female, Mumbaiite, is a personal blogger. She writes her experiences, random topics, fiction, poems and makes unique creations. Most of her creativity is up on her blog aka   Meow Connect . In every stanza, the first line is written by AbhiKeBol and the second by Snuffles . Read on, do leave your comments


It was for some work you called on... Since then we both got along... Slowly with time we found our common interest... Which was nothing but Music, in its simplest... For sure it brought us together as friends... A relationship which has no ends... With music I remember one more thing... Your melodious voice, as you sing...


Lost in Direction I was... Everything in me what I could see were flaws... I could see a light from which hope was sparkling... And I took it as my last chance on which I was counting... The journey started with a good sign... And I wished it never decline...


Me as Silent as the Universe out there... It feels like there is no air... What happened I know, U didn't wanted it to... But its gone now, and we are together again as we always wish to... Our Friendship has gone, is going and will continue to go through hardship... But what matters to me is not the pain, But your Friendship... Me will never hurt you even in my subconscious mind... If still it happens, please don't mind... Coz in my heart and soul, you have place for sure... Which will never become vacant, as our Friendship is so pure…

WE Met...

WE have found each other... WE had never lost each other... Yet WE never knew each other... WE met in our childhood... And so WE came together for the first time as WE never would... OUR Hearts knew it... And so THEY conspired to bring US together...

Enlightenment Within...

Its been a long time my Angel... Since I haven't seen you... Haven't heard your voice... Yet your face never leaves my mind... Still I have your voice within me as if its my own... I Think of you every single moment... Wondering what you might be doing... It brings me close to my soul... Like I don't need anything in this world...

I Love You...

Its late night.. I'm slowly and steadily going deep into your memories.... Lights at distance.. Tells me how happy we were together.... The cool breeze on me... Tells me how relaxed I used to be when I was with you... When I look at the Moon... I remember the time when we both stared at it, at the same time even when we were away...


I'm tired, I'm bored... Even frustrated you can say... My heart is yelling out... May day.. May day... Sick of the rules... Sick of what others might think... I just wanna groove... Raise a toast for my life and drink...

First Love...

We are apart now... But still connected, dunno how??? What is it?? That's holding us on... Which gives us strength & is helping us move on... I feel you day & night... Instead of weakening me, it helps me to fight...


Dreams!!! Are so wonderful when You are in them... It makes my Heart race!!! It goes crazy when I see You!!! Feels soooo real even if its a dream... I can hear Your voice crystal clear... Like You are in real!!! I'm so lost in You Dear... My Heart takes me to You even when I'm unconscious!!! I know its my Heart from where I Dream... Coz that's the place where You are in!!!

Dad I Love You...

I Fought with you... Sometimes I didn't listen to you when I was angry on you... I have even back answered you in a harsh tone... Sometimes I felt very angry on you when you didn't listen to my opinion... I have neglected the care in your scolding... Sometimes I don't like the path you try to show me...

We need very Little...

We need very little to be Happy !!! Like Getting wet in the Rain... We need very little to be Relaxed !!! Like Mother's soothing hand on our Head... We need very little to Laugh !!! Like a Friend's Stupid Act... We need very little to be in Peace !!! Like Being with your Loved Ones...

I Wish You...

Many wish for silver & gold.. Few wish for eternal beauty or they shall never grow old... Some wish for power to conquer the world... Others wish for going to their dream-world... Picky one's wish for immortality... Remaining wish for luck to control their destiny... I neither wish to be rich... Nor to be beauty rich... I neither wish all the power... Nor the dream that's charmer...

Letter to My Angel...

My Angel... I Don't know what's in your mind at present... But I know its very unpleasant... I know the pain you endure... And you don't want to take it anymore... It must be hard for you to walk alone with all this... Here I pray for you to be in bliss... I am sorry for all the pain caused to you coz of my love... I never meant it but it was the situation that shove...

Silence Between...

Patience is what I should now keep... So that I can take a higher leap... To bring the separated paths together again... For our endless journey to began... Silence is there between us now... Feels its our mutual vow... For the sake of our future... Coz we both agreed to this venture...

Unconditional Love...

I Never asked for anything still you gave me everything... When you used to lift me in your arms... It hid me away from all the harms... When you used to sing Lullaby... I used to fly-by stars & galaxy... When you used to play with me... I had never enjoyed so freely...

Battle Within...

I've lost trust in me, Everything spins within me... Now I look for acceptance from others, Always begging for help from others... I'm lost in the shadows of misery, Every path I took turned slippery... Every time I try to getup, I always smashup...

Confused and Lost...

I m all confused and lost... Out of words and phrases... Can't think of any to describe you... You are the one I can't stop admiring... Yet can't express what I wish to say... You are the one I always wished for... Yet I let you to go away coz I have to...

Walk in the Night...

As I Walk in the Night... I Drift into the Memories We Spent Together... Never knew that You would be that One... With whom I wouldn't Care whether I would Lose or Won... As I Walk in the Night... I Drift into the Memories We Spent Together... Times We spent were all Mesmerizing... Wished it would Freeze or had no Ending...

Just Words...

Beautiful  is Just a Word... Ur Beauty is Like the Shooting Star in a Starry Sky...  Adorable !!!   Kind  is Just a Word... Ur Kindness is Like an Oasis in the Desert...  Lively !!!   Smile  is Just a Word... Ur Smile is Like the First Rain...  Full Of Joy !!!   Touch  is Just a Word... Ur Touch is Like Angel's Sensation...  Heavenly !!!  

How Can I...

How Can I Say I Still Love You...  When The Situation Is Up Side Down... How Can I Say I Miss You...  When I Don't Want You To Get Sad When I Say That... How Can I Say I Want To Hear Your Voice...  When I Can't Even Chat With You... How Can I Say I Want To Hug You...  When You Are So Far Away...


Oh Baby... U R My Angel !!! Ur Eyes When U Look At Me... Have So Much Admiration For ME... Ur Smile When I Come... Is Wat I Get Lost In... Ur Hands When They Hold Mine... Makes Me Feel Complete... Ur Voice When V Talk... Makes ME Hear Nothing Other Then Ur Heart... U Listening To ME... Unfolds My Soul To U... Ur Dreams When U Share With ME... Takes ME To A Different Dimension... Ur Heart When It Beats... Attracts My Heart Towards U... Ur Soul When It Meets Mine... Takes It To The Cloud 9... Oh Baby... U R My Angel !!!

Linkin Feelin...

I am   In Pieces ,   Numb  &  Faint ... And so its   Easier To Run , while   Breaking the Habit  of you... I wanna   Runaway   coz I feel you are  Pushing Me Away ... Now I am   Crawling   away &  Lying From You  to get myself back... I Don't know   What I've Done  to  Myself ... But   In The End  I have to  Leave out All The Rest ... Coz in Reality   Somewhere I Belong ...

UnSpoken Prayer...

You would not believe they're the same as you are... Or whether they're near or far... Still your heart will know & will keep it locked... Unless you trust it & get it unblocked... You would neither care about your conscience nor history... But will just drift through the maze of mystery...

Love is...

Love is that skipped heart beat... Love is being lost in the eyes of the other... Love is holding hands and not leaving them while saying good bye... Love is listening to the loved once voice within...