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Letter to My Angel...

My Angel...

I Don't know what's in your mind at present...
But I know its very unpleasant...

I know the pain you endure...
And you don't want to take it anymore...

It must be hard for you to walk alone with all this...
Here I pray for you to be in bliss...

I am sorry for all the pain caused to you coz of my love...
I never meant it but it was the situation that shove...

I wanna be there with you now...
To wipe away every tear from your eyebrow...

The situation is playing its tricks on us...
That's what making us nervous...

Hold on to your hope & faith...
To stay away from this wraith...

You may feel that I've forgotten you...
But that can never be true...

I still have you in me...
And will remain till my last breath abandon me...

I'm fighting here to get to you...
Only for your rescue...

I can't promise that we will be together...
But I will seek a way for our better future...

Till then please hold on to that inner voice...
It will help you rejoice...

With Love,

About Author

Abhishek Gorale

A software engineer by profession and a curious blogger by will. An ambivert who balances his creative and geeky sides.


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